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Severe Storm 2023 Recovery

Thank you for your efforts addressing the recovery from Severe Storm 2023. (Note: For Severe Storm 2024, visit Severe Storm Recovery 2024.)

On July 13, 2023, the Governor issued Addendum 1 to Executive Order 03-23, which temporarily waives certain land use permit conditions and Act 250 permitting requirements to assure availability of material for the use of the State or municipalities, or contractors on behalf of the State or municipalities, to rebuild critical infrastructure impacted by the July 2023 severe storm. The Executive Order and waiver have been extended by Addendum 10.

If you are an owner of an earth material pit or quarry or asphalt or concrete plant using the waiver under the Addendum:

  1. Review the latest version of Guidance on Waiver of Act 250 Permitting Requirements in Response to Severe Storm 2023, and
  2. Fill out the revised Documentation Form: Severe Storm 2023 and email it to us. Only if you are using the extension, refile this form in accordance with the guidance.

If you have questions about the usage of this temporary waiver or process, contact us.

Reminder of Revised Deadlines

  • February 15, 2024: EO-Waiver ends. Projects must meet compliance standards for operations. 
  • February 15, 2024 through May 15, 2024: winter stabilization required. 
  • June 15, 2024 or before: Submit documentation to NRB demonstrating adherence to compliance standards.

Review the latest Guidance on Waiver of Act 250 Permitting Requirements in Response to Severe Storm 2023 for further details on your deadline and compliance obligations.

This page was last updated: July 16, 2024